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Bringing Hope to the World

Operation God is Love is a charitable initiative devoted to making the world a better place through various outreaches in the city of Columbus. This is our 7th year of feeding the hungry, helping the homeless, and supporting world missions.

Together, we can make a difference in the world for generations to come. Read more about our work and learn how you can make a difference today.

What We Do

Advocating Change & Helping People

OGL is a service initiative dedicated to helping those in need. With the dedication of our volunteers and partners, we strive to improve the lives of those who need help within the community. We have monthly backpack outreach to the homeless, support a local free clinic by providing volunteers, support various full-time missionaries, and have recently served in efforts to end human trafficking here and abroad. 

Contact us to see what you can do to bring about positive change.

Community Service
Image by Jake Ingle

Homeless Backpack Outreach

Feeding the Hungry

Monthly OGL supplies backpacks that are full of water, food, socks, toiletries, and necessities to the homeless in central Ohio. In the winter season, OGL supplies gloves, coats, blankets, hand warmers, and scarves.

Image by Christopher Windus

Helping Victims of Human Trafficking

Freeing the Captive

One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable are protected and rescued from human trafficking. Our recent Cambodia mission focused on helping children and women trapped or rescued from human trafficking. Contact us to learn more.

Doctor's Visit

Free Clinic Support

Helping Our Neighbors Below the Poverty Line

OGL provides volunteers for a local free clinic which provides medical, dental, and chiropractic services for immigrants, those without adequate health insurance, and the poor.

Image by Larm Rmah

Overseas Missions

Go Into All the World

Part of the mission of OGL is to serve the least, last, and lost overseas. We partner with missionaries on the ground to fulfill their mission to serve the least in the community. OGL also participates in overseas short term missions. Our recent trip was to Cambodia (Fall 2018). South Africa is planned for 2020.

Clothes Donation

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”

Mark Twain

Contact Us

P.O Box 3982, Dublin, Ohio 43016

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Holding Hands

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